Welcome to this week's newsletter from CeeLab. This newsletter is a mixture of news and stories from Ceelab. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding our Cloud Video Conferencing please don't hesitate to contact us.
Brief history of communication
People love to communicate and we have been doing so for thousands of years, starting with the face-to-face village meeting. Along the way we have had technologies like the telegraph, fax machines, the telephone, the letter, email, pagers etc.
What is interesting about communication technologies is when you look back many that were considered essential have now become obsolete.
The one form of communication that has endured is the face-to-face meeting and is still one of the most effective ways of cominctions ideas, negotiating and organising teams and task.
Find out more about the history of communication on our website here.

CeeLab at Royston Business Network
CeeLab believes that all businesses can benefit from Cloud Video Conferencing and so we were delighted to be talking about our Cloud Video Conferencing Services and giving a live demo on Thursday, 22 February, 2018, at the Royston Business Network.